News: Design and business, art and technology, ideas and good stuff

Marlene Dumas | Solo exhibition | Cycladic Museum | Athens, Greece
5 June 2025 – 3 November 2025
The abstracted, anthropomorphic marble figurines known as Cycladic Art, were produced on the islands of the Aegean Sea from around ca. 3300 to 1100 B.C.E. Its enduring importance has been brought to the fore by the Museum of Cycladic Art by bringing these ancient works into dialogue with the paintings and works on paper of contemporary South African artist Marlene Dumas.
Image: ‘Cycladic Blues’ (2020) ©Marlene Dumas. Copy: ©Artnews.

American Photography | Retrospective | Rijksmuseum | Amsterdam
7 February to 9 June 2025
The more than 200 works on display in American Photography reflect the rich and multifaceted history of photography in the United States. The exhibition presents the country as seen through the eyes of American photographers, and shows how the medium has permeated every aspect of our lives: in art, news, advertising and everyday life.
Image: ‘America seen through Stars and Stripes’, New York City, ©Ming Smith / Copy @Rijksmuseum Amsterdam.

Anselm Kiefer | Retrospective | Van Gogh Museum + Stedelijk Museum | Amsterdam
Mar 7 until Jun 9, 2025
“Where have all the flowers gone” (Sag mir wo die Blumen sind) – For the first time in their history, the Stedelijk Museum Amsterdam and the Van Gogh Museum are joining forces to stage a major exhibition of one of the most important artists of our time: Anselm Kiefer.
At the Van Gogh Museum, key works by Vincent van Gogh are combined with that of Kiefer. At the Stedelijk, all the Kiefers from the Stedelijk’s collection are on display together for the first time.
Image: ‘Innenraum’, 1981, collection Stedelijk Museum Amsterdam ©Anselm Kiefer. Copy ©Stedelijk Museum Amsterdam.